Govendra Sahu

Greetings! 🌟 Tech enthusiast from a proud farmer family, I embarked on a transformative journey in January 2022, earning a web development certification. Proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms, I'm honing Full Stack Web Development skills in the Prepleaf by Masai School Career Accelerator Program. Seeking opportunities as an Algorithm Development Intern, I bring a tech prowess to contribute meaningfully. Let's connect and explore the possibilities in the ever-evolving tech landscape! 🌐

+91 87702 85038


Hi 👋   my name is

Govendra Sahu

And I am


Coding Enthusiast

Full Stack Developer

Problem Solver

Algorithm Developer

DSA Specialist

Masai Student

About Me
Govendra Sahu

Greetings! 🌟 Tech enthusiast from a proud farmer family, I embarked on a transformative journey in January 2022, earning a web development certification. Proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms, I'm honing Full Stack Web Development skills in the Prepleaf by Masai School Career Accelerator Program. Seeking opportunities as an Algorithm Development Intern, I bring a tech prowess to contribute meaningfully. Let's connect and explore the possibilities in the ever-evolving tech landscape! 🌐


Front - End
HTML , CSS , JavaScript

Back - End
Python , PHP , MySql

String , Array , Object
Dianamic Programming









Visual Studio Code



24 +
Months of Coding
600 +
DSA Problems
(120+ Problems on
100 +
Hours of Soft Skills

My Project

Typing Master

The "Typing Master" is a simple typing application built using Python and the Tkinter library. I made this application as I got an assignment from Masai school.This application offers an engaging way to sharpen your typing abilities.

Rate in Maze

This Python program tackles mazes with a virtual rat! Watch as the rat deftly finds the shortest route from the entrance to the exit.The code uses straightforward algorithms. Dive in, tweak mazes, and explore how the rat navigates.

Authentication system

Developed a comprehensive PHP and MySQL admin authentication system, encompassing user signup, login, logout, password reset, and a feature with rich dashboard for efficient user management and secure access control.

Contact Me